The possible existence of an exponentially large number of vacua in string theory behooves one to consider possibilities beyond our traditional notions of naturalness. Such an approach to electroweak physics was recently used in “Split Supersymmetry”, a model which shares some successes and cures some ills of traditional weak-scale supersymmetry by raising the masses of scalar superpartners significantly above a TeV. Here we suggest an extension - we raise, in addition to the scalars, the gaugino and higgsino masses to much higher scales. In addition to maintaining many of the successes of Split Supersymmetry - electroweak precision, flavor-changing neutral currents and CP violation, dimension-4 and 5 proton decay - the model also allows for natural Planck-scale supersymmetry breaking, solves the gluino-decay problem, and resolves the coincidence problem with respect to gaugino and Higgs masses. The lack of unification of couplings suggests a natural solution to possible problems from dimension-6 proton decay. While this model has no weak-scale dark matter candidate, a Peccei-Quinn axion or small black holes can be consistently incorporated in this framework.